Monday, May 24, 2010

Sweetpea Found the Scissors

This is one very, very bad toddler haircut!

Sweetpea cut the top to about 3 inches, the sides to about 1 inch, a small patch in the back to about 1 inch, and the very front to 1/4 inch!

And, now we've got seriously homely blackmail photos
for her teenage years!

I've never been a big fan of "The Mullet" and definitely not on my little princess!

The worst part is the very front where she cut "bangs"!

Bye bye curls! That's one very disturbed face in the mirror.

I ended up cutting the back about the same length as the sides and evening it out. I layered the top a little where she chopped the crown to about 3 inches.

The very front I just left alone because there's not really anything to be done but just let it grow out.

As I was cutting her hair, she looked into the mirror and said,
"Well, little lady,
I certainly hope you've learned a valuable lesson today.
Are you ever going to do that again?
Ummm, no-sirree-bob!
Got it?

The finished 'do turned out pretty cute.

And, the truth is, when you've got a sparkling personality
and a crazy-funny sense of humor like Sweetpea does...

you can pretty much pull off whatever 'do you want!


  1. oh my! i was so sad to see those long curls go but she looks ADORABLE with her new 'do, too! what a cutie patootie! you can def. see her bubbly personality shining thru! :) great job on the haircut (you, but her job was cute too)

  2. She is a riot ... teaching herself the lesson ... but the new do does look absolutely adorable ... and she was just getting ready for a warm summer :)


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